Bone Grafting
If you’re experiencing bone loss in your jaw, you may need a dental bone graft. This process replaces the empty space with a material that helps your body grow more bone tissue. This treatment is provided by dentists, periodontists, and oral surgeons.
To find the most trusted dental bone grafting in Roswell, GA, look no further than Attia Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery. We have a skilled team of oral surgery professionals who can provide the reliable treatments you need. Call us today to see how we can solve your dental health needs!
Bone Grafting: Brief Overview
Bone grafting aims to improve the health of your jawbone. This common service treats areas where you’ve experienced bone loss. You may need this procedure before receiving a dental implant or if the problem negatively affects your oral health.
How It Works
Specialists need bone grafting material to provide the treatment. This material can be taken from your own body or purchased from a human or animal tissue bank. Synthetic materials are also sometimes used.
Dental bone grafts allow your body to repair itself. Once the material is placed, your jaw will start to grow and regenerate new bone tissue. Your provider may recommend a dental bone graft if you’re about to receive dentures or dental implants. Furthermore, if you have severe gum disease or you’re having a tooth extracted, dental bone grafting may be right for you.
Types of Bone Grafts
Take a look at the different types of bone grafts below:
Socket Preservation
This method works by placing the grafting material into the socket immediately after a tooth extraction. This fills the missing space and prevents the socket from closing.
Ridge Augmentation
Ridge augmentation adds more volume and width to your jawbone before dental implants or other restorative work.
Sinus Lift
This treatment aims to lift your sinuses into the proper position. If your upper back teeth are missing, your sinuses can become misaligned, causing them to drop down.
Periodontal Bone Graft
The goal of this bone graft procedure is to increase bone tissue in areas where you’ve had periodontal disease.
Want to get started with a bone graft today? Call Attia Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery to work with the leading oral surgeon in Roswell, GA!